Showing posts with label vi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vi. Show all posts

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Vi Editor : Movements

Cursor Movement :

h (left), j (down), k (up), l (right)

End of Line: 
$ --> End of line
A --> Append at End of line

Start of Line:
"^ "
Begin of previous line:  "H" (shift +h)
Begin of next line : "L" (shift + l)

End of File :
Shift + g

Join two lines:
"J" --> Go to End of line then press "J"

Go to :
:n --> go to line no. "n"

Word movement :
End of current word: e
Start of current word: b
Next word: w

You may also want to know how to work with multiple files using vi split

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Vi Editor : Working with multiple files : Split screen

Creating Multiple Screens :

:split --> Split Horizontally
:vsplit  --> Split Vertically
:new  --> to open new file
:w filename  --> to save a new file with a name filename
or :new filename --> open new file with name filename

Movements between screens :

(Remember with Control Windows : Ctrl+W)
"ctrl+w" + arrow key  ( Arrow keys easy to move between screens)
"ctrl+w" + [h | j | k | l ]
h --> move to left screen
l --> move to right screen
j --> move to down screen
k --> move to upper screen

Not much difficult to remember as keys "h" , "j", "k", "l" are in sequence on keyboard.

:only  --> Full screen

You may also want to know useful vi cursor movements